QCS Means Guaranteed Quality

Management Systems certification imposes  stringent disciplines on the audit team’s expertise  of the certifying body. QCS is an internationally recognized certifying body and our certification process  are  synonymous with high quality.  

Our assessment process  is  fully guaranteed through accreditation by the  “Accreditation Service For certifying bodies Europe Ltd (ASCB)”, member of “Global Accreditation Forum(GAF)” an international network of accreditation regimes. To date ASCB has  accredited globally over 90 certification bodies, registered over 3500 assessors, auditors and quality related personnel achievements; and certificated over 30,000 organizations. All certificated bodies, organizations and products are placed on the “International Register Of Quality Assessed Organization (IRQAO) that has a live search function, providing the user with instant validation of the authenticity of any ASCB- and other accredited certificate holders.
Certification is performed by  neutral ‘Third Party’ organisations  known as Certification Bodies(CB”S) or ‘Registrars’ in north America. In the early  eighties the number of CB”S were minimal but there are about quite a handful of them  in the UK today. Certification bodies are classified in two groups, namely  “Accredited and Non Accredited”.

Management system Certification bodies which are accredited inspires comparatively more Re-assurance to the consumers and public. This is  because their competencies and performances  are being constantly monitored by an independent higher Authority known as Accreditation boards as per the international standard of ISO 17021  . It is also to be noted that all  global accreditation boards need to comply with the technical standard of  ISO17011.

There are two relevant accreditation regimes operating from  the United kingdom since 1995, namely  Accreditation Service for Certifying Bodies (Europe) Ltd [ASCB (E)]  and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) often referred to by their initials as ASCB (E) and UKAS.

Their logos are known respectively denoted  as the ‘Euro-tick’ (showing a rectangle with the European stars a tick and their initials) and the ‘Crown and Tick’ (showing a crown above a tick above the words “Quality Management” all within a square box).

The street credibility of Un accredited certification bodies are  less compared to Accredited certification bodies, as their performances are not monitored by an independent external authority for impartiality. Often these companies are found to be actively   involved with rendering  consultancy services  to their certified clients  against the stipulated requirements of  ISO 17021. They offer the  provision of  Quality manuals and consultancy together with a ISO 9001 certificate under a single package.

 Commonalities between ASCB and UKAS:

  •  Both are registered as private Limited profit oriented  companies in the United Kingdom
  • They both have been operating since 1995
  • They operate with international recognition
  • They have issued over 25,000 certificates within their respective  regimes
  • Their certificated clients satisfactorily provide products and services to all levels of local and national government regardless of local ‘policies’
  • They operate an ISO 17011 Quality  Management System for Accreditation Bodies
  • They assess Certification Bodies such as ourselves  against the requirements of ISO 17021.

The key difference being UKAS is affiliated to  IAF (international accreditation forum) while ASCB(E) is affiliated to GAF(Global Accreditation forum).  

As per IAF policies and  Regulation of European parliament [Regulation (EC) 765/2008] only one accreditation board from each member State is allowed  IAF membership and thus get the status of National accreditation board. This enables UKAS  and other parties   to promote their accreditation regime as the “Sole National accreditation board” or the “ only government approved accreditation board” . While both these statements are true   but  if they are commonly  used to misinterpret  that there cannot be any other accrediting bodies, which is simply not true. For example government itself has appointed non UKAS accreditation board for their cyber essential certification scheme.  .

ASCB Background

We lift the following  text directly by ASCB , for the convenience of our clients.

 On ASCB’s basis and “government recognition”

“In 1995, ASCB, the Accreditation Service for Certifying Bodies (Europe) Ltd. was formed to accredit a range of non-governmental certifying bodies that assess products, personnel and management systems.ASCB is a private limited company registered in England and Wales registered number 3132143. The company is therefore registered as a trading concern with the appropriate United Kingdom authorities.The authority vested in ASCB Ltd is that assigned to them by the certifying body and by the organisation in respect of the accreditation services contracted.No claim as to statutory, legislative, authority, prominence or right given by any other party unless specified by ASCB Ltd is claimed. Organisations are advised that ASCB Ltd provide accreditation services and are known to the U K Government Department of Trade and Industry as doing so”.

ASCB’s International affiliations and Central Registration  system of Accredited certificates

“ASCB belong to the Global Accreditation Forum (GAF), an international association for accreditation, which promotes best practices in quality assurance worldwide. To date ASCB has accredited over 90 certification bodies, registered over 3500 assessors, auditors and quality related personnel achievements; and certificated over 30,000 organisations. All certificated bodies, organisations and products are placed on the International Register (IRQAO) that has a live search function, providing the user with instant verification of the authenticity of any ASCB- and other accredited certificate holder” .

 Please click below to view  QCS accreditation certificate :http://www.ascb.co.uk/Statement/215Statement.pdf

Please click the following link to read more on regulations governing Accreditation in the international community:                                                                                                                                                             http://www.qcspl.com/cp/upload1/regulations%20governing%20accreditaion&%20certifications-F.pdf

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