All certificates issued by QCS remain the property of QCS and must be returned when requested. Certificate holders must ensure that no incorrect references to QCS certification system or misleading use of certificates or marks occur.

The QCS Registered Companies Logo is granted under licence to those client companies who have obtained certification of their Quality/Environmental And Occupational Health & safety Management Systems by QCS after successful assessment to the applicable standard of ISO 9001 , 14001 & OHSAS 18001 series

Where the QCS Registration Certificate has been issued under accreditation board, Accreditation body’s logo is too used in combination with the QCS Registered companies’ logo, as applicable.


QCS MANAGEMENT PVT LTD. Registered Companies Logo can be applied to stationery and publicity material that relates to the company’s Scope of Registration.  This can include brochures, product cards, advertisements etc.The mark shall not be used on laboratory test reports, calibration and inspection certificates and not applied directly to the product or packaging, whether secondary or primary or in such a manner as to imply that any individual product has been approved.  Where the logo is used, the Certificate Registration number must also be clearly indicated.

The logo may only be reproduced in a single colour which is unlimited, but where practical should conform to existing preprinted stationery, brochures, letterheads or other promotional materials of the Company.




The Accreditation Logo may only be used in combination with the QCS Registered companies Logo and is limited to stationery, literature and other written promotional materials.  It cannot be applied to the product or packaging whether secondary or primary.  Where the organization (the client) wishes to use any statement instead of using the symbols of the certification & accreditation bodies, The statement shall in no way imply that the product, process or service is certified by this means. The statement shall include reference to:

— identification (e.g. brand or name) of the certified client;

— the type of management system (e.g. quality, environment) and the applicable standard;

— the certification body issuing the certificate.





QCS & ASCB -UK  logos are the registered trade mark of  the respectve organsiations , any unauthorized use of the logos without  written approval  of both the companies  is strictly prohibited  which may lead to legal actions as per trade mark,copyright  and patent laws of government of India and United kingdom.







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